At Coolum Fitness, we’re fortunate to have some of the Sunshine Coast’s finest personal trainers. At Coolum Fitness, we not only have a fully equipped gym but we also are a gym with group fitness classes, all led by our skilled personal trainers. These classes are packed with valuable fitness tips and tricks, but we believe that access to this knowledge should be available anywhere!
Stay connected with our blogs for the latest updates on fitness and training news, along with useful tips to help you on your fitness journey.

The Fundamentals of Strength Training: Progressive Overload and Beyond
Strength training is one of the most effective ways to build muscle, increase resilience, and improve overall health. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned lifter, understanding the foundational principles

You Need to See These Habits
Habits are the repeated actions, behaviours, thoughts and or tasks that we repeatedly do without having to really think about doing them. Or as Wikipedia puts it, A habit is

Goal Setting To Win
The closing of one chapter often sparks the beginning of another. 2023 for some people is a year they would love to quickly forget, for others, celebrating a year of

Seasons of Choices
Let me tell you about a time in late December when people start celebrating at their end of year Christmas Parties, having catch ups with people they haven’t seen for

Upgrade your training – Improve your Surfing
Surf Focused Strength and Fitness Classes I wanted to share a little about why the following Fitness and Mobility Classes might be a great fit for you whether you surf,

Routine is ruining your progress, I want to teach you to be better
You’re probably a little alarmed by this title, but looking back at your training results the proof is staring you in the face. You’re just not improving like you could be