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Goal Setting To Win

Goal Setting To Win

The closing of one chapter often sparks the beginning of another. 2023 for some people is a year they would love to quickly forget, for others, celebrating a year of great progress, fun and memories is far from over… either way, 2024 will soon dawn on us and what will we make of it.

Many people will close out the year with “some thought” as to what they want to achieve, do or have in 2024.

⁃    Buy a house

⁃    Upgrade the car

⁃    Change jobs

⁃    Travel and adventure

⁃    Lose 10kg

⁃    Climb a mountain

⁃    Get a partner

Goal Setting To Win 1 - Coolum Fitness

Take a moment now to write a list of 10 goals:











Now pick the most important one to you and play the WHY GAME!!

Whatever your goal is, that’s great, I invite you to look a little deeper as to why this goals or these goals are showing up for you and play the WHY GAME. Ask up to 4 why’s around the same goal and allow you answers to run you deeper towards why your goals are your goals, because it’s not always obvious.


Why do I want to upgrade the car?

⁃    I’ve had my eyes on a new one for a while

Why is the new one important?

⁃    It’s important because it means I’m important and safe and worthy

Why are you important, safe and worthy?

⁃    Because my life matters, the way I live it, I only get one go and there’s a lot of people that I support and love who need me around.


Play the Why game!!

You can ask why on its own, or you can use any wording that may prompt deeper connections:

⁃    Why does this matter to me

⁃    Why is that important

⁃    Why now

Go for it…

Attitudes that rock

The next step to WIN your Goals, is to figure out what kind of attitude you need to support the attainment of your goals.

Many people set goals with no thought as to why they matter to them. But now that we have that piece of the puzzle, it’s worthwhile to consider the thinking processes that we need to move towards our goals and the behavioural patterns that will serving us.

Let’s take a closer look at an example of what a clients attitude might need to be around health, fitness and diet who wants to lose 10 kilograms

Goal: To Lose 10kg

Attitudes that will support us:

⁃    I have 10kg of fat to lose

⁃    I could use some coaching

⁃    It’s time to be a student again around food intake and exercise

⁃    Training will be my new friend

⁃    Things are going to get easier as I get closer to my goals

⁃    Dedication now will make life easier later

⁃    I wonder what will be great about this

⁃    I wonder what I will learn along the way

⁃    I wonder who else will benefit from me making this change

Honesty about where you’re at as well as a willingness to learn and evolve is a great way to grow towards your goals. Choose an attitude that serve you by becoming honest, curious and eager.

Right!!! Where are we….

We know our GOAL

We are clear on WHY it’s important

We are shaping our new ATTITUDE

AND next up;

Behaviours that build

Next in line: is to build supportive behaviours that help us to build positive momentum to achieve our goals and become the person who has got this.

So now, what behaviours will help you to win your goal of losing 10kg?

⁃    Get a coach that can help

⁃    Go to the gym 4 days a week for 30+ mins

⁃    Add one healthy vegetable or fruit to my food intake

⁃    Have one less take out meal a week

⁃    Increase my daily exercise by 5 mins

⁃    Swap my daily hot chocolate for a herbal tea

That’s right, literally write down all the behaviours you could do to support winning your goals.

Finally !!! Take Action

Then pick one and make it happen.

If it’s coaching ring up your coach or get a referral from your friend or contact me and book something in right away, don’t delay it any longer.

If it’s one less take away meal a week, maybe your action is going to be to make one more home cooked meal a week and that could mean doing some food prep, like buying a roast chook and a coleslaw to put in the fridge.

Go do it, whatever you decide, right now.

That is legendary!!

That is momentum!!

We have a goal!! We are clear on WHY it’s important to us. We have a new awareness around the ATTITUDE that we are going to foster around our goals and, we have chosen one behaviour and we have taken action on it. Fee that momentum.

That momentum is way more powerful than motivation, so if your momentum is currently making you feel fat, lazy, tired or a little dissatisfied with yourself, just follow the plan, set a clear goal and start building some momentum in a new positive direction towards getting your 2024 goals.

Win your goals

And you know what, winning always feels better when you get to share it with someone. So get a coach, or tell a friend and share your wins together.

Let’s go

Win your goals in 2024


Blog Post By

Tristan Enright

Physical Training & Health Coaching

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