You’re probably a little alarmed by this title, but looking back at your training results the proof is staring you in the face. You’re just not improving like you could be or you’re bored and that’s impacting your results.
Your training routine is holding you back, the same old routine, the same sets and reps, the same exercises, the same amount of effort, the same, same, same old stuff is comfortable and yet it isn’t. Think about it, even when you change up your training routine, you only ever change it to stuff you already know, right? Right!
It’s time to shake things up and make a positive change…
Changing up your training routine will show you where you are weak, where you are restricted, where you are vulnerable. You are vulnerable in that which goes unpracticed and when you learn new skills your body is forced to adapt to new stimulus and it often requires more effort than doing something you are already efficient at.
For example, Front squats with the bar resting on your shoulders is a good way to make your legs strong and you can rest lots of weight on the front of the shoulders. On the other hand, holding it off your shoulders is very demanding on the core stabilisers and shoulder muscles as well as develops some leg strength. Two variations of the same exercise, two different outcomes, both worthwhile being part of an ever changing ever evolving routine.
The other problem with routine is, you learned the routine at a time when you needed that routine, at a time when it was a good, challenging, progressive routine for you. But now, two weeks later, four weeks later, who knows, maybe longer… that routine is not serving you anymore in anywhere near the capacity it first was.
Your old routine is like training wheels on a bike, you need to move on.
It used to test your coordination, your focus, your strength, it used to demand your attention, it used to be stimulating and it was going to lead you to the next level of programming and task, but you just stayed there and stayed stuck.
So shake it up, ask for help?
There is nothing terribly bad about staying the same if it doesn’t bother you, however being a dedicated coach for 12 years I’ve been able to support hundreds of individuals to progress through plateaus, work with injuries, make the body more resilient, balance training and work stress, lose unwanted fat, let go of stress and toxic beliefs, and work closely with the human to support their understanding of both better health and better relationship with their body in and out of training and surge towards some cool feats that are totally possible.
So Let’s Train!