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Seasons of Choices

Seasons of Choices

Let me tell you about a time in late December when people start celebrating at their end of year Christmas Parties, having catch ups with people they haven’t seen for a while and celebrating New Years Eve.

Everyone does it different!! It’s a jolly time.

What I like my clients to do, is simply consider how they want to do the next 2-3 weeks of the year from December 20 until January 10th, these are powerful days that can leave you feeling fulfilling, connected, energised and healthy or that can leave you feeling sluggish, exhausted and tired within the same time frame.

Every year has periods where we celebrate and the way we celebrate be it with friends and family, at restaurants, eating whatever we want, drinking whatever we want and giving varying levels of care to the vessel we live in (our body) is very often a habitual unconscious decision that just happens.

So how do you want to do it?

That’s the question!

If success leaves clues and every new year, around comes January 10th and your happy with your health, well being, fitness, social life, finances, contribution to society and so forth then reflecting on the way you behave throughout the year and throughout this time frame may be a very pleasant experience.

If you reflect on some of these areas, particularly in a well being, health and fitness sense and notice that every year you start the new year on the back foot. If you notice that you actually start the year totally inflamed with excess alcohol, feeling heavy and sluggish in your guts and perhaps stiff and sore from too much sitting around, then perhaps it’s time you made some new choices about the way you spend your time over the next 2-3 weeks.

Consideration #1 VOLUME

Consider if “drinking alcohol to excess” is leaving me feeling wrecked, what amount could I drink that would still lead to a great time, would still feel like a celebration and yet not leave me feeling depleted and the next day?

Consideration #2 FREQUENCY

Is repeated “frequency of drinking alcohol” day after day, after day is a habit that is serving me well and something that I want to continue this season? If I want to change it: Are there any days which I definitely would like to drink and are their any that I could easily not drink, where in the past I’ve just said yes without thinking and then felt worse for it?

Consideration #3 ALTERNATIVE

Is it possible that the types of drinks I am having can be replaced or swapped for something else that is easier on my system to recover from? Perhaps I can swap a few heavy’s for lights, drink a alcohol free beer instead of a regular, leave out the coke from my whiskey, make a protein and fruit shake for a snack instead of just cracking another Bevvo.

These 3 considerations can also be made about food and exercise;


⁃ Could I increase the volume I typically do movement over this season, from nothing to 15-30mins in the gym?

⁃ Could I decrease the amount of food I eat to excess, if gain body fat is a consistent habit?


⁃ Could I increase the frequency that I go to the gym this season? Perhaps 3 days a week instead of none over the holidays break this year, even if it’s only for 15 mins?

⁃ Can I reduce the frequency that I indulge in two desserts this break. Or can I reduce the frequency that I eat until I’m going to burst and only do that once?


⁃ Can I make an alternative food choice this season that will make a big difference to how I feel come Jan 10th?

⁃ Consider walking or riding your bike as transport to your social occasions, instead of driving?

As you can see, there are many considerations that support deep thought on the topics that lead to your well being come January 10th 2024

And if the way you celebrate the end of the year and the next 20 or so days is a habit that you love and a habit that serves you well, by all means keep doing it.

My offer to you is that you consider, could I do it different? Am I truly happy with my habits? And if you are great! And if you aren’t, consider what you could do different?

Much love

Merry Xmas

Happy New Year

And May 2024 be a happy, healthy, strong and mobile year for you and your families



Blog Post By

Tristan Enright

Physical Training & Health Coaching

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