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Upgrade your training – Improve your Surfing

Upgrade your training – Improve your Surfing

Surf Focused Strength and Fitness Classes

Upgrade your training - Improve your Surfing 1 - Coolum FitnessI wanted to share a little about why the following Fitness and Mobility Classes might be a great fit for you whether you surf, want to surf or want to have access to coaching from me on a weekly basis via this group coaching format.

The following 2 times lots are dedicated to supporting attendees with their strength, mobility, fitness, power and repeated explosive efforts. These physical focus points are separated into 2 classes each week. The program that I create for Mondays Strength and Mobility is repeated for 3 weeks, where my role is to support you guys to develop a better understanding of how to increase flexibility, stability and strength in different positions that support health and performance. The Program for Thursdays will vary between 3 weeks of the same fitness workouts to challenge athletes to mentally and physically push for better times and scores each week, or they will vary in challenge with workout re-testing opportunities so that you can see measurable progress.

Mondays 4:30pm – Strength and Mobility
Thursdays 4:30pm – Fitness, Power and Repeatability

Why is Mobility important:

Upgrade your training - Improve your Surfing 3 - Coolum FitnessWhen I refer to mobility, I’m referring to the bodies freedom to move and be mobile which many of us are losing through ageing poorly, in-activity, repetitive physical stress from laborious jobs, (poor nutrition, emotional stress) and a lack of tools to maintain our physical freedom because most people think of the gym for strength and yoga for flexibility but I am here to introduce you to a world of movement that blends the two and opens up many more physical options that makes training a fun and interesting challenge.

The mobility focus of these Monday Classes is about un-sticking our bodies from the stuff we are doing to them in our daily lives. So for example, if you work in quite a physical job as a builder, a chippy or a concreter then the demands your work places on your body is quite significant and constant. That can be good for strength and discipline which has its place also in surfing, but it can also be very repetitive and cause you to have in-balances from one side of the body to another. Always digging holes right handed, using the hammer drill on the right side of the body, or working with a bent back for hours at a time or in tight places can put demands on the body that can’t be soothed with couch time and beers (surely they can). Learning how to use movement to mobilise your own bodies and loosen the body puts you back in the drivers seat in your health and will not only help you to feel better showing up to work, but you’ll feel more freedom when you do paddle out for those 4-6 footers.

Upgrade your training - Improve your Surfing 5 - Coolum FitnessIf you’e spending a lot of time sitting at a desk, we will identify very quickly that you have tight hip flexors and probably rounded shoulders and poor posture from reaching forward at a keyboard or answering phones. This is going to make your hip flexors tight, they are also likely to be weak, shoulder impingements and issues become more likely with poor posture and the body tends to favour the positions it is familiar with, which means it sorts of sticks itself in the chair posture making it harder and harder to paddle and pop up with any kind of athleticism. Many of our injuries or physical limitations are not coming from our chosen jobs, but from a lack of tools and commitment around doing the work to un-stick ourselves after many hours of stiffening.

As Surfers, mobility, or the way we can move our bodies is ultimately what makes a good surfer and makes a great surfing experience. The very shape we make with our spines, whether arched or quite flat whilst paddling for a wave can increase or decrease our speed, the freedom we have in our hips gives us more power and options to manoeuvre the surfboard. Tight shoulders, stiff backs and necks, stuck hips make getting up on the board and hammering down the line a challenge and your enthusiasm to every paddle out will quickly become diminished when aches and pains are present.

Upgrade your training - Improve your Surfing 7 - Coolum FitnessSo we do a lot of movement based drills that are not “typical gym movements”, because we are not trying to move like robots on a surf board. We do a lot of movements that require balance, stability and muscle control. Yes we do squats and variations of squats and lunges, but the variation and integration of these movements is very different and done with a purpose that one can only experience if they wish to understand. Many people do lots of research and watching from the sidelines these days before they commit to new classes or changing gyms. We are in this time where you can stalk people, gyms, and programs and basically make up your mind without even trying it.., however you cannot truly understand or experience the benefits of this type of physical training for your body, or for your surfing, without making a solid commitment to it for a period of 5 weeks. I have place a special offer below for those new and interested. Once you have come and experienced these classes, you will be able to feel the value.

For those wanting for info…

In the video below I talk more extensively on the two classes and why this kind of training is important and how it’s helping our growing surf team, feel free to have a watch and let me know if you agree or have any questions regarding what’s been shared or how I can help you with your training one on one.

Bookings: via GloFox App or drop me a message
Price: $25 / class, first time 5 week trial price $150 (10 classes)

Blog Post By

Tristan Enright

Physical Training & Health Coaching

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