The Fundamentals of Strength Training: Progressive Overload and Beyond

Strength training is one of the most effective ways to build muscle, increase resilience, and improve overall health. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned lifter, understanding the foundational principles of strength training is crucial for long-term progress. Among these principles, progressive overload stands as one of the most important. However, it is just one […]
You Need to See These Habits

Habits are the repeated actions, behaviours, thoughts and or tasks that we repeatedly do without having to really think about doing them. Or as Wikipedia puts it, A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. As you may already know, we have many habits that “rule our […]
Goal Setting To Win

The closing of one chapter often sparks the beginning of another. 2023 for some people is a year they would love to quickly forget, for others, celebrating a year of great progress, fun and memories is far from over… either way, 2024 will soon dawn on us and what will we make of it. Many […]
Seasons of Choices

Let me tell you about a time in late December when people start celebrating at their end of year Christmas Parties, having catch ups with people they haven’t seen for a while and celebrating New Years Eve. Everyone does it different!! It’s a jolly time. What I like my clients to do, is simply consider […]
Upgrade your training – Improve your Surfing

Surf Focused Strength and Fitness Classes I wanted to share a little about why the following Fitness and Mobility Classes might be a great fit for you whether you surf, want to surf or want to have access to coaching from me on a weekly basis via this group coaching format. The following 2 times […]
Routine is ruining your progress, I want to teach you to be better

You’re probably a little alarmed by this title, but looking back at your training results the proof is staring you in the face. You’re just not improving like you could be or you’re bored and that’s impacting your results. Your training routine is holding you back, the same old routine, the same sets and reps, the […]
The 3 Key Training Hurdles: Part 3 “the Old Me Hurdle”

The old me hurdle is a place gym goers get to where they have been training at a gym for a while and they are stuck, they aren’t progressing, they don’t know anyone because they’ve spent the last year or two training with their head down and their headphones on and they feel embarrassed, bored […]
The 3 Key Training Hurdles: Part 2 “The motivation hurdle”

I wonder whether you can relate to this gym goer I was talking to the other day who has been settled into their gym routine for nearly 12 months and despite previously being consistent, committed and highly motivated, all of a sudden, just in the last month or two, they find themselves at a point […]
The 3 Key Training Hurdles: Part 1 “The getting started hurdle”

Whether you’ve been actively involved in physical training, sports or gym training in the past, or not, coming back into the gym after a significant lay off can be very daunting, overwhelming and uncomfortable. We understand this and acknowledge you for taking the steps to choose your health and fitness as a priority and we […]